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Code Block
  // range search parameter legacy check
  virtual bool
  CheckRangeSearch(Config& cfg, const IndexType type, const IndexMode mode);
  // range search
  virtual DatasetPtr
  QueryByRange(const DatasetPtr& dataset, const Config& config, const faiss::BitsetView bitset);

  // brute force range search
  static DatasetPtr
  BruteForce::RangeSearch(const DatasetPtr base_dataset, const DatasetPtr query_dataset, const Config& config, const faiss::BitsetView bitset);

Design Details(required)



Range search related We add 3 new APIs CheckRangeSearch(), QueryByRange() and BruteForce::RangeSearch() to support range search, these APIs are already available since knowhere-v1.3.0.

  1. QueryByRange()

This API is used to get all unsorted results with distance "better than radius" (for L2: < radius; for IP: > radius).



QueryByRange(const DatasetPtr&, const Config&, const faiss::BitsetView);


Dataset {
    knowhere::meta::TENSOR: -   // query data
    knowhere::meta::ROWS: -      // rows of queries
    knowhere::meta::DIM: -          // dimension

Config {

    knowhere::meta::RADIUS: -   // radius for range search



Dataset {
    knowhere::meta::IDS: -                // result IDs with length LIMS[nq]
    knowhere::meta::DISTANCE: -  // result DISTANCES with length LIMS[nq]
    knowhere::meta::LIMS: -            // result offset prefix sum with length nq + 1

LIMS is with length "nq+1", it's the offset prefix sum for result IDS and result DISTANSES. The length of IDS and DISTANCES are the same but variable.

Suppose N queried vectors is with label: {0, 1, 2, ..., n-1}

The result counts for each queried vectors are: {r(0), r(1), r(2), ..., r(n-1)}

Then the data in LIMS will be like this: {0, r(0), r(0)+r(1), r(0)+r(1)+r(2), ..., r(0)+r(1)+r(2)+...+r(n-1)}

The total range search result num is: LIMS[nq]

The range search result for each query vector is: IDS[lims[n], lims[n+1]) and DISTANCE[lims[n], lims[n+1])

The memory used for IDS, DISTANCE and LIMS are allocated in Knowhere, they will be auto-freed when Dataset deconstruction.

By new, following index types support QueryByRange():

  • BinaryIDMAP

  • BinaryIVF



  • IVF_PQ

  • IVF_SQ8

  • HNSW


Range search completely reuses the call stack from SDK to segcore.
