Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Return error "Collection doesn't exist" if the target collection doesn't exist
  • Return error "Partition doesn't exist" if the target partition doesn't exist
  • Return error "Bucket doesn't exist" if the target bucket doesn't exist
  • Return error "File list is empty" if the files list is empty
  • ImportTask pending list has limit size, if a new import request exceed the limit size, return error "Import task queue max size is xxx, currently there are xx pending tasks. Not able to execute this request with x tasks."

The get_import_state():

  • Return error "File xxx doesn't exist" if could not open the file. 
  • All fields must be presented, otherwise, return the error "The field xxx is not provided"
  • For row-based json files, return "not a valid row-based json format, the key rows not found" if could not find the "rows" node
  • For column-based files, if a vector field is duplicated in numpy file and json file, return the error "The field xxx is duplicated
  • Return error "json parse error: xxxxx" if encounter illegal json format
  • The row count of each field must be equal, otherwise, return the error "Inconsistent row count between field xxx and xxx". (all segments generated by this file will be abandoned)
  • If a vector dimension doesn't equal to field schema, return the error "Incorrect vector dimension for field xxx". (all segments generated by this file will be abandoned)
  • If a data file size exceed 1GB, return error "Data file size must be less than 1GB"
  • If an import task is no response for more than 6 hours, it will be marked as failed
  • If datanode is crashed or restarted, the import task on it will be marked as failed
