Versions Compared


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Code Block
service MilvusService {
  rpc Import(ImportRequest) returns (ImportResponse) {}
  rpc GetImportState(GetImportStateRequest) returns (GetImportStateResponse) {}

message ImportRequest {
  string collection_name = 1;                // target collection
  string partition_name = 2;                 // target partition
  bool row_based = 3;                        // the file is row-based or column-based
  repeated string files = 4;                 // file paths to be imported
  repeated common.KeyValuePair options = 5;  // import options, bucket, etc.

message ImportResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  repeated int64 tasks = 2;  // id array of import tasks

message GetImportStateRequest {
  int64 task = 1;  // id of an import task

enum ImportState {
  Pending = 0;
  Failed = 1;
  Parsing = 2;
  Persisted = 3;
  Indexing = 4;
  Completed = 5;

message GetImportStateResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  ImportState state = 2;                   // is this import task finished or not
  int64 row_count = 3;                     // if the task is finished, this value is how many rows are imported. if the task is not finished, this value is how many rows are parsed. return 0 if failed.
  repeated int64 id_list = 4;              // auto generated ids if the primary key is autoid
  repeated common.KeyValuePair infos = 5;  // more informations about the task, progress percent, file path, failed reason, etc.

The call chain of import worflow:

Image Added

3. Rootcoord RPC interfaces
