Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Return error "File xxx doesn't exist" if could not open the file. 
  • The row count of each field must be equal, otherwise, return the error "Inconsistent row count between field xxx and xxx". (all segments generated by this file will be abandoned)
  • If a vector dimension doesn't equal to field schema, return the error "Incorrect vector dimension for field xxx". (all segments generated by this file will be abandoned)

2. Proxy RPC Interfaces

Code Block
service MilvusService {
  rpc Import(ImportRequest) returns (ImportResponse) {}
  rpc GetImportState(GetImportStateRequest) returns (GetImportStateResponse) {}

message ImportRequest {
  string collection_name = 1;  // target collection
  string partition_name = 2;  // target partition
  bool row_based = 3;  // the file is row-based or column-based
  repeated string files = 4;  // file paths to be imported
  repeated common.KeyValuePair options = 5;  // import options

message ImportResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  repeated int64 tasks = 2;  // id array of import tasks

message GetImportStateRequest {
  int64 task = 1;  // id of an import task

enum ImportState {
  Pending = 0;
  Executing = 1;
  Completed = 2;
  Failed = 3;

message GetImportStateResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  ImportState state = 2;  // is this import task finished or not
  int64 row_count = 3;  // if the task is finished, this value is how many rows are imported. if the task is not finished, this value is how many rows are parsed.
