Current state: Disccusion completed



Keywords: Collection Alias, Atomic Switching

Released: TODO


  1. As the name indicates, CollectionAlias is an alias to an existing collection.
  2. The collection alias can be updated to a new collection.
  3. Within RootCoordinator, Proxy, and all the key components, CollectionName and CollectionAlias are equal.
    e.g. MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(collectionName string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) can receive CollectionAlias and return corresponding CollectionInfo.
  4. CollectionAliasCollectionName = ∅ . CollectionAlias cannot collide with existing CollectionNames.
  5. When alias are added, droped or altered, all proxy should receive the change in the same timestamp.
  6. When alias are added, droped or altered, the operations online should not be affected, i.e. they still use the alias information when the tasks begin to excute.


  1. As CollectionAlias works as an extra pointer to the existing collection in the RootCoordinator, we can implement collection hot reloading at a low cost.
  2. When AddAlias, DropAlias and AlterAlias, the change of relationship between alias and collection should not affect the operations online, i.e. these operations shoud use the relationship when the task begin to excute.
  3. When AddAlias, DropAlias and AlterAlias, all proxy should receive the change in the same timestamp to ensure the atomicity between the proxy cache and the rootcoord data.
  4. Users can't drop the collection if the collection is referenced by an alias, which can simplify the operation and make it easier to ensure the atomicity property about alias changes.

Design Details

Changes to the MetaTable

type immutablemap_string2string struct{
    storemap    map[string]string

func (imstr2str * immutablemap_string2string) get(key string) (string, error){
    rstr,ok := imstr2str.storemap[key]
        return "", fmt.Errorf("key not exist")
    return rstr, nil

func (imstr2str * immutablemap_string2string) put(key string, val string) (string, error){
    return "", fmt.Errorf("not allowed put in immutablemap")

type metatable struct{
    ts2alias2name map[Timestamp]immutablemap_string2string
    newestAliasTs Timestamp
func build(im typeutil.ImmutablemapString2string) *Builder {
	builder := &Builder{
		reference: im,
		mutable:   nil,
	return builder

type Builder struct {
	reference typeutil.ImmutablemapString2string
	mutable   map[string]string

func (bdr *Builder) maybeClone() {
	if !bdr.reference.IsEmpty() {
		bdr.mutable = make(map[string]string)
		for k, v := range bdr.reference.GetCopy() {
			bdr.mutable[k] = v

		bdr.reference = typeutil.ImmutablemapString2string{}
	} else {
		bdr.mutable = make(map[string]string)

func (bdr *Builder) getnamefromalias(key string) (string, bool) {
	rstr, rbool := bdr.mutable[key]
	return rstr, rbool

func (bdr *Builder) putalias2name(key string, val string) (string, bool) {
	var pre string
	v, ok := bdr.mutable[key]
	if ok {
		pre = v
	} else {
		pre = ""
	bdr.mutable[key] = val
	return pre, ok

func (bdr *Builder) removealias2name(key string) (string, bool) {
	var pre string
	v, ok := bdr.mutable[key]
	if ok {
		pre = v
		delete(bdr.mutable, key)
	} else {
		pre = ""
	return pre, ok

func (bdr *Builder) Build() typeutil.ImmutablemapString2string {
	if !bdr.reference.IsEmpty() {
		reference := bdr.reference
		bdr.reference = typeutil.ImmutablemapString2string{}
		return reference

	mutable := bdr.mutable
	bdr.mutable = nil
	res := typeutil.NewImmutablemapString2string(mutable)
	return res


func (mt * metatable) addAlias(collectionAlias string, collectionName string) error{
    defer mt.ddLock.Unlock()
    ts = getTimestamp()
    tspre = mt.newestAliasTs
    Bdr = build(mt.ts2alias2name[tspre])
    _,ok := Bdr.putalias2name(collectionAlias, collectionName)
    if ok{
        return fmt.Errorf("alias already exist when add alias") 
    mt.ts2alias2name[ts] =
    mt.newestAliasTs = ts
    return nil

func (mt * metatable) dropAlias(collectionAlias string) error{
    defer mt.ddLock.Unlock()
    ts = getTimestamp()
    tspre = mt.newestAliasTs
    Bdr = build(mt.ts2alias2name[tspre])
    _, ok := Bdr.removealias2id(collectionAlias)
    if !ok{
        return fmt.Errorf("alias not exist when drop alias") 
    mt.ts2alias2name[ts] =
    mt.newestAliasTs = ts
    return nil

func (mt * metatable) alterAlias(collectionAlias string, collectionName string) error{
    defer mt.ddLock.Unlock()
    ts = getTimestamp()
    tspre = mt.newestAliasTs
    Bdr = build(mt.ts2alias2name[tspre])
    _,ok := Bdr.putalias2name(collectionAlias, collectionName)
    if !ok{
        return fmt.Errorf("alias not exist when alter alias") 
    mt.ts2alias2name[ts] =
    mt.newestAliasTs = ts
    return nil

Change to globalMetaCache

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Above changing plan will add a item in rootcoord task request, which may need some attention.

Test Plan
