Current state: Under Discussion



Keywords: Restful API



Implement a http server on proxy module, serves http request and convert to same request type as grpc request.


Milvus 1.1 used to support restful API, we've also seen many other search engines such as elastic search and solr supports both http and rpc requests. It would be much easier for applications written in language such as PHP and rust to use http to utilize milvus.

Public Interfaces(optional)

TODO: translate gRPC interface in RESTful API.


According to gRPC, the HTTP resource names can be:

Collection APIs: 

service MilvusService {
  // (omit api version prefix)
  // POST /collections
  rpc CreateCollection(CreateCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
  // DELETE /collections/:collectionName
  rpc DropCollection(DropCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
  // GET /collections/:collectionName
  rpc HasCollection(HasCollectionRequest) returns (BoolResponse) {}
  // PUT /collections/:collectionName/load
  rpc LoadCollection(LoadCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
  // DELETE /collections/:collectionName/load
  rpc ReleaseCollection(ReleaseCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
  // GET /collections/:collectionName/schema
  rpc DescribeCollection(DescribeCollectionRequest) returns (DescribeCollectionResponse) {}
  // GET /collections/:collectionName/statistics
  rpc GetCollectionStatistics(GetCollectionStatisticsRequest) returns (GetCollectionStatisticsResponse) {}
  // GET /collections
  rpc ShowCollections(ShowCollectionsRequest) returns (ShowCollectionsResponse) {}
  // ...

Design Details(required)

Add a http server on proxy module with a popular go HTTP framework. (GIN maybe)

The HTTP API should be designed by RESTful Principles and should implement all the methods that gRPC interface supports.

When http server receives a request, it converts the request to corresponding gRPC request, and then reuse the gRPC handling procedure to finish serving the request.

Test Plan(required)

Test interfaces with http client.

Rejected Alternatives(optional)
