Event planning and general information template below - To be updated by Event/Meeting Lead

Event/Meeting Details

LF AI Participation Overview: 

Amazon and the LF AI Foundation are pleased to welcome you at the LF AI Day* – ONNX Community Virtual Meetup – Fall 2020. This event will be hosted online via Zoom video conferencing on October 14. The event will feature the LF AI hosted Graduated Project, ONNX.

The event will cover ONNX Community updates, partner/end-user stories, and SIG/WG updates. Check on the event website for a full agenda.

If you are using ONNX in your services and applications, building software or hardware that supports ONNX, or contributing to ONNX, you should attend! This is a great opportunity to meet with and hear from people working with ONNX across many companies.

Note: In order to ensure the safety of our event participants and staff due to the Novel Coronavirus situation (COVID-19) the ONNX Steering Committee decided to make this a virtual-only event via Zoom.

*LF AI Day is a regional, one-day event hosted and organized by local members with support from LF AI and its Projects. Learn more about the LF AI Foundation here.

Event Location & Date(s): Zoom meeting on October 14, 2020

Event Time: 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM - PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)

Event Website: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/lf-ai-day-onnx-community-virtual-meetup-fall/

Event Registration: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/lf-ai-day-onnx-community-virtual-meetup-fall/register/

Please submit any questions about LF AI participation at this event to: outreach-committee@lists.lfai.foundation

Event Lead Name & Contact Details: Sheng Zha, zhasheng@amazon.com

Planning To-Do List

Tracking for to-do items, due dates, owners, and notes

To Do

Due Date




Post presentations and recordingsOctober 16
Communicate availability of the event's recordings and presentationsOctober 21
Chrissy-LF AI social scheduled for TBD.

Draft Schedule, Presentations & Recordings - To be updated

Draft agenda can be found here: https://github.com/onnx/steering-committee/issues/36 

Draft and final schedule to be posted here, including presentation links



Topic / Speaker

Presentation (Link) - to be updated

7:00am25mEvent Kickoff
7:005mOpening and Welcome
7:0520mONNX Community & LF AI Update ONNX Steering Committee
7:25am100mPartner's and User's Presentations
7:2510Extract the maximum benefits of ONNX to shorten your development cycle time and reduce guesswork. Patrick St-Amant, Zetane.deck
7:3510ONNX at OneFlow. Jianhao Zhang, OneFlow.
7:4510Efficient inference of transformers models: Collaboration highlights between Hugging Face & ONNX Runtime. Morgan Funtowicz, Huggingface
7:5510Flows and Tools to map ONNX Neural Networks on Micro-controllers. Danilo Pau, ST Micro.
8:0510Neural Automation: Fusion of Automation and Data Science. Fabian Bause, Beckhoff Automation.
8:1510ONNX Runtime updates: mobile, quantization, training, and more. Faith Xu, Microsoft.
8:2510Apache TVM and ONNX, what can ONNX do for DL Compilers (and vice versa)? Jason Knight, OctoML.
8:3510ONNX Support in the MLIR Compiler: Approach and Status. Alexandre Eichenberger, IBM Research
8:4510Hummingbird. Matteo Interlandi, Microsoft.
8:5510Q/DQ is all you need. Neta Zmora, NVIDIA
9:15am45mSIG's and WG's Updates and Discussions
9:1510Architecture/Infrastructure SIG Update. Ashwini Khade, Microsoft
9:2510Operators SIG Update. Michał Karzyński, Intel and Emad Barsoum, Microsoft
9:3510Converters SIG Update. Chin Huang, IBM and Guenther Schmuelling, Microsoft
9:4510Model Zoo/Tutorials SIG Update. Wenbing Li, Microsoft and Vinitra Swamy, Microsoft
9:555Q&A / Open Discussions
10amtotal 180mEnd

Recordings - To be Updated



Opening & Welcome

ONNX Steering Committee & LF AI Update

Partner / End User Stories

SIG/WG Updates
