Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Current state: Under Discussion



Keywords: Collection Alias, Collection Hot Reload

Released: TODO



  1. As the name indicates, CollectionAlias is an alias to an existing collection.
  2. The collection alias can be updated to a new collection.
  3. Within RootCoordinator, Proxy, and all the key components, CollectionName and CollectionAlias are equal.
    e.g. MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(collectionName string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) can receive CollectionAlias and return corresponding CollectionInfo.
  4. CollectionAliasCollectionName = ∅ . CollectionAlias cannot collide with existing CollectionNames.


  1. upsert all the items.
    • It will be problematic slow if the collection is huge.
  2. Insert new collection B data & rename the new collection B as A.
    • In a distributed system, it is pretty costly(Performance, Availability, Complexity) to update the state globally.

As CollectionAlias works as an extra pointer to the existing collection in the RootCoordinator, we can implement collection hot reloading at a much lower cost compared to the 1, 2 approaches.

With CollectionAlias, we can implement collection hot reloading functionality as such:

  1. Create Collection A & insert data.
  2. Create CollectionAlias Z -> A.
  3. Create Collection B & insert data.
  4. Update CollectionAlias Z -> B.
  5. Users can access new data with the Z alias.

Public Interfaces

New Public APIs


Code Block
// milvus.proto
message CreateAliasRequest {
	common.MsgBase base = 1;
	string collection_name = 2;
	string alias = 3;

message DropAliasRequest {
	common.MsgBase base = 1;
	string collection_namealias = 2;
string alias = 3;

message AlterAliasRequest{
	common.MsgBase base = 1;
	string collection_name = 2;
	string alias = 3;

service MilvusService {
	// NEW
	rpc CreateAlias(SetAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
	// NEW
	rpc DropAlias(DropAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
	// NEW
	rpc AlterAlias(AlterAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}



  • Users can't drop the collection if the collection is referenced by an alias .
  • DescribeCollection now returns aliases
Code Block
message DescribeCollectionResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  schema.CollectionSchema schema = 2;
  int64 collectionID = 3;
  repeated string virtual_channel_names = 4;
  repeated string physical_channel_names = 5;
  uint64 created_timestamp = 6;
  uint64 created_utc_timestamp = 7;


  // NEW 


  repeated string aliases = 8;



service MilvusService {


  // Users are required to drop the aliases first before dropping the collection.


  rpc DropCollection(DropCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}



  // DescribeCollectionResponse containes `aliases` that refer to this collection.


rpc DescribeCollection(DescribeCollectionRequest) returns (DescribeCollectionResponse) {}




Design Details

Changes to the MetaTable

Code Block
type metaTable struct {
	client          kv.SnapShotKV                                                   // client of a reliable kv service, i.e. etcd client
	tenantID2Meta   map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.TenantMeta                             // tenant id to tenant meta
	proxyID2Meta    map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.ProxyMeta                              // proxy id to proxy meta
	collID2Meta     map[typeutil.UniqueID]pb.CollectionInfo                         // collection_id -> meta
	collName2ID     map[string]typeutil.UniqueID                                    // collection name to collection id
	// NEW


collAlias2ID    map[string]typeutil.UniqueID




As CollectionAlias & CollectionName are equal, GetCollectionByName also checks metaTable.collAlias2ID when getting the collection by name.

Code Block
func (mt *metaTable) GetCollectionByName(collectionName string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) (*pb.CollectionInfo, error) {
	defer mt.ddLock.RUnlock()

	if ts == 0 {
		vid, ok := mt.collName2ID[collectionName]
		if !ok {
			// NEW


if vid, ok = mt.collAlias2ID[collectionName]; !ok {


				return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't find collection: " + collectionName)


CollectionAlias also have to be persisted in the etcd .

Code Block
const (
	ComponentPrefix        = "root-coord"
	TenantMetaPrefix       = ComponentPrefix + "/tenant"
	ProxyMetaPrefix        = ComponentPrefix + "/proxy"
	CollectionMetaPrefix   = ComponentPrefix + "/collection"
	SegmentIndexMetaPrefix = ComponentPrefix + "/segment-index"
	IndexMetaPrefix        = ComponentPrefix + "/index"
	// NEW Additions


CollectionAliasMetaPrefix = ComponentPrefix + "/collection-alias"




For persistence in etcd, the key will be fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", CollectionAliasMetaPrefix, CollectionAlias) and the value be CollectionID.

Changes to the RootCoordinator

Code Block
// root_coord.proto
service RootCoord {


// NEW


  // CreateAlias creates 1 to 1 mapping between `alias` and `collection_name`
  // 1. If there no `alias` in the metaTable:
  // 	1.1 new `alias` will be added to the metaTable
  // 	1.2 `alias` will be persisted in the `etcd`
  //	1.3 `dd_op` will sent to log broker.
  // 2. If there is `alias/collection` in the metaTable:
  // 	2.1 An `alias/collection already exists` error will be returned.
 rpc CreateAlias(milvus.CreateAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}


  // NEW


  // 1. DropAlias
  // 	1.1 Removes 


existing mapping from the metaTable
  //	1.2 Removes existing 


mapping from the `etcd`
  //	1.3 `dd_op` will be sent to the log broker.
	//  1.4 Invalidates proxy caches
 rpc DropAlias(milvus.DropAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}



// NEW


 // 1. AlterAlias
 //  1.1 


Existing mapping will be updated in metaTable.
 //  1.2 


Existing mapping will be updated in `etcd`
 //  1.3 `dd_op` will be sent to log broker.
 //  1.4 Invalidates proxy caches.
 rpc AlterAlias(milvus.AlterAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}





 // Collection can't be dropped if it is referenced by an `alias`.
 rpc DropCollection(DropCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}




 // DescribeCollection now returns `aliases`
 rpc DescribeCollection(DescribeCollectionRequest) returns (DescribeCollectionResponse) {}

There will be new tasks as `CreateAliasTask`, `DropAliasTask`, and `AlterAliasTask` that handles the actual implementation within the GRPC methods. 


The recovery process will handle CreateAliasDDType , DropAliasDDType, AlterAliasDDType types.

Code Block
func (c *Core) reSendDdMsg(ctx context.Context) error {
	flag, err := c.MetaTable.client.Load(DDMsgSendPrefix, 0)
	if err != nil || flag == "true" {
		log.Debug("No un-successful DdMsg")
		return nil

	ddOpStr, err := c.MetaTable.client.Load(DDOperationPrefix, 0)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debug("DdOperation key does not exist")
		return nil
	var ddOp DdOperation
	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(ddOpStr), &ddOp); err != nil {
		return err

	switch ddOp.Type {
	case CreateCollectionDDType:
		var ddReq = internalpb.CreateCollectionRequest{}
		if err = proto.UnmarshalText(ddOp.Body, &ddReq); err != nil {
			return err
		collInfo, err := c.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(ddReq.CollectionName, 0)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err = c.SendDdCreateCollectionReq(ctx, &ddReq, collInfo.PhysicalChannelNames); err != nil {
			return err
	// NEW
	case CreateAliasDDType:
	// NEW
	case DropAliasDDType:
	// NEW
	case AlterAliasDDType:

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
